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Vocal Phonetics

8 - 12 April 2024

The third session of "Vocal Phonetics" was dedicated to German language.
5 days courses on German repertoire were given by vocal teachers Åsa Bäverstam (Sweden), Mati Turi (Estonia), Roberts Hansons (Latvia) and Saulė Šervytė (Lithuania) as well as a special guest, professor Wolfgang Holzmair from Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, who also held a lecture on "How to approach an interpretation" and round table discussions about pronunciation. In addition to individual vocal lessons, the project included morning sessions of dance therapy by Raimonda Duff (Lithuania).
The course ended by the final Concert at J. Karosas concert hall on 12 April.

23 - 29 April 2023

The second session of "Vocal Phonetics" was dedicated to Italian language.
20 participating students and 7 teachers from partner schools took part in the IC. Special guest, Professor Leonardo de Lisi from Luigi Cherubini Music Conservatoire in Firenze have master classes and 3 hour lecture on bel canto.
5 days courses on Italian repertoire were given by teachers Asta Krikščiūnaitė (vocal performance) and Justas Čeponis (pianist) from Lithuania, Maria Imgemarsson Berg (pianist) from Sweden, Luca de Marchi (pianist) from Norway, Zigrida Krigere (vocal performance) and Veronika Rinkule from Latvia, Nadezda Kurem (vocal performance) and Siim Selis(pianist) from Estonia and guest professor from Ketevan Eliava (vocal performance) from Georgia.
The course ended by the final Concert on April 28 at J. Karosas concert hall of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

3-9 April 2022

The first session of the NordOpera intensive course "Vocal Phonetics" was dedicated to Russian phonetics.
23 students from Sweden, Estonia and Latvia and Lithuania participated in the course in Vilnius. The course started with an introductory lecture on Russian phonetics by Viktoria Pehk-Ivascenko (Vytautas Magnus University). Professor Algirdas Janutas (LMTA) gave masterclass on Russian repertoire at the Music Innovation Studies Centre. Ieva Labanauskaitė, lecturer of the Theatre and Film Faculty led morning training sessions of Laugther Yoga.
Students learned Russian repertoire during individual lessons with vocal teachers and piano coaches. Partner institutions' teachers working at "Vocal Phonetics": Zigrida Kriegere (singing, Latvia) and Leldde Tirele (pianist accompanist, Latvia), Irina Oja (pianist accompanist, Estonia), Martin Hellström and Jaroslaw Kaliski (opera coachers, Sweden), Margarita Levtchuk (singing, Belarus) and Marina Tchyzhenko (singing, Ukraine), LMTA vocal professor Algirdas Janutas and pianist accompanist Lina Giedraitytė, LMTA vocal teacher Stein Skjervold and accompanist Birutė Asevičiūtė.
On 8 April, the course's final concert was performed by the participants. Students presented selected pieces from their recent repertoire by Haydn, Lencavallo, Mozart, Strauss, Puccini, Sibelius and other composers.

Project partners
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (coordinator)
Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg
Stockholm University of Arts
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music