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Teacher Mobility FAQ

When should I start planning my exchange?
Please contact the international relations coordinator of your institution about your exchange plans as soon as possible!

How should I proceed with planning my exchange?
Usually the practicalities of a Nordplus teacher exchange are set up by the IRCs of the two institutions. In some cases it's also advisable to contact the teacher or department concerned to discuss the organisation of the visit. 

What are the practical issues do I have to organize?
The practical issues such as the timetable of your classes, travel schedule and hotel reservation should be fixed prior to the exchange. You can contact the IRCs of your home and host institutions for assistance.

What can teacher mobility include?
Teaching activities may include master classes and tutoring as well as development of teaching materials.

How long can my exchange be?
Stays should last a minimum of 8 teaching hours. The maximum length of the exchange is 1 month.

Will I get financial support?
Is there some official documentation to be filled out?
Grant Agreement should be signed before the payment is made.
Report should be submitted after the exchange.