HOME  /  IRC COOPERATION  /  IRC Executive Commitee


Composition of the committee
Network coordinators are born members + four elected members + representative from the host institution of the next IRC Forum. Elected members are elected for a two-year period.
The committee will delegate areas of responsibility to its members e.g. chairman, secretary and other practical issues

The committee will have two meetings a year, preferably one with ANMA executive group

Institutions of the elected members are expected to cover the meeting costs. If funding is available, networks are asked to support the meeting costs.

Committee responsibilities

All ExeCom members are responsible for the preparation and realisation of the IRC Forum and for participating and communicating actively in the ExeCom.
ExeCom acts as a consultative body for the daily running of the networks and as a source of information and inspiration for the annual Nordplus application.

1. Strategic developments in the Nordic/Baltic Higher Music Education
2. Maintaining and developing connections to ANMA
3. Preparing the annual IRC FORUM
4. Dissemination and external information
5. Maintaining and developing www.nordplusmusic.net
6. Information and communication between the Nordic/Baltic music networks
7. Information and practical matters between networks (procedures, financial matters)

IRC Executive Committee members
Hanneleen Pihlak, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, EST
Keld Hosbond, The Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg, DK
Jenny Hedlund, University of Gothenburg, SE
Annika Myllläri, Centria University of Applied Sciences, FI
Tuovi Martinsen, Uniarts Helsinki Sibelius Academy, FI
Michael Strobelt, The Arctic University of Norway, NO
Martin Granum, The Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg, DK
Tone Jordhus, Norwegian Academy of Music, NO